About PoWW

Pillars of Wellness & Wellbeing
Community Interest Company
Welcome to the Pillars of Wellness & Wellbeing website!
We are a local CIC whose aim is to bring practical wellbeing solutions to the local community through events, classes and workshops. We want to keep these free or as low cost as we can so that they are accessible to all.
When it comes to wellness and wellbeing, there are a number of things which can bring about positive benefits. Changing one element is the best way to start, but if that doesn't work straight away, it can be easy to give up. In an era of instant gratification, it has come to be expected that things work quickly. Continuity and self-discipline is key. It is a cumulative effect.
There are numerous key pillars of wellness and wellbeing which all work synergistically to bring you into a place of balance and healing, but we need a place to start. Finding something that works for you, to start the process of forming good habits, can put you in a better head space and help you form more good habits.
We live in the information age - most of us have daily access to the internet, but with so much information out there, it can be difficult to know who and what to trust. We hope to become a trusted resource for people looking to take the positive steps towards better wellness and wellbeing. We want to encourage people to take responsibility for looking after their health. By taking steps to look after yourself while you are able, you can prevent the need for drastic interventions later. We can't stop the stresses in our lives, but we can change how our bodies respond.
About Me
My name is Lauren and I started this CIC in 2022. In a previous life, I worked in Fire Safety, but after a diagnosis of CFS had left me incredibly unwell, my passion, drive and motivation in this sector started to wain. I needed to focus on my health and I was starting to fight back against this illness. The things I found that worked are the things I now promote. For me, there was no 'magic bullet' but a combination of things that got me out of the dark place I was in. I needed to look after myself in every way possible. I am by no means fully recovered, but my condition is more manageable, now that I have found things that work and I am no longer in a stressful working environment for 40 hours a week.
Since incorporating in 2022, I have studied a Masters, gained a Level 1 certificate in Sound Healing and am currently studying a Level 2 in Counselling. While I don't intend to pursue counselling as a career at this stage, the underpinning knowledge is helpful in the sector I am working in and with (sometimes) vulnerable people within the groups I facilitate. I love helping others, have a passion for sound and truly believe that we have the power within ourselves to improve our health and improve our lives.